linsey who?

After bouncing around in third world countries, I landed back in San Diego, only to pay off my bills and leave again. For good, to the Pacific Northwest. I will have to find a veggie supreme burrito that rivals Zarape, a trail run more joysoul than Mission Gorge and espresso as carefully pulled as Twiggs, all in the tiny farming town of Mount Vernon, WA. And, I’ll have to hunt them down, more often than not, in the rain.

6 thoughts on “linsey who?

  1. It’s blackberry season – don’t forget to freeze a few pints for midwinter smoothies! (But was them first – frozen worms suck).

  2. Well, well, well…Mt. Vernon another third world country……
    All I can say about this new adventure is ” stay thirsty my Friend”

  3. I check out your blog once or twice a year just to see what you’re up to…can we say not so creepy stalker 🙂
    I just had a little boy…to keep your conspiracy theory going. Happy for you! Crazy how life changes 🙂

  4. Hi Linsey,

    I hope you’re doing well. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was in your English class at Valhalla during my junior year back in 2006. You were one of the few teachers that came across my path in life that inspired me to follow my dreams. You believed in me as an individual, even though I admit I wasn’t the best English student. Thank you for believing in me. And just so you can see how far I’ve come since your English class in high school, please check out the YouTube link below:

    I didn’t have a valid email for you, so I did a Google search on your name and came across your blog.

    Best Wishes,
    Dustin Kahia

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