365 Days Later


My dearest Luka Lee,

Today you are one. Today we celebrated you with our village and I stared at you in amazement.


You are my hardest, most joyful work. You are my favorite cuddler. The best green smoothie eater.


The silliest monkey I have ever met. You are brave and strong and fearless. Which worries me. Your eyes match this Easter Sunday sky and you have a dimple that tells me when you are truly happy. But you can be so GQ cover serious.


You giggle when I jump out from you behind the cabinets and when I smother your neck with kisses. You love books and all things Danish and because I’ve bribed you for over a year with breast milk, your first word is “mama.”


I am so glad you are here, LuLu. Grateful that 365 days ago, your little spirit and big blue eyes came into our family.

You are loved more than you will ever know.

To a million more birthdays, dear boy.
